Six year-old Madalyn is a now a bonified reader! Keeping in mind that she is a ham-it-up, never-sit-still kind of personality, I didn't know how she would take to having to focus on words for longer than 10 seconds. However, she has blown my concerns out of the water with her desire for books and opportunities to read.
Her kindergarten teacher started a contest at the beginning of the semester by giving each student a reading chart. After they read 13 books to fill up the chart, she awards them a $5 giftcard to Toys R Us. When Mrs. Lee announced the contest, Madi decided right then that she was going to earn enough giftcards to buy herself a "Pillow Pet", which cost about $25. (Did I mention that she's also a very determined young lady?) Every night she climbs into Abby's bed and reads book after book to her older sister. Abby happily charts Madi's progress and they are so excited when another chart gets completed. Needless to say, Madi earned her 6th giftcard this past week.
Last night was movie night for the kids, and I let them each pick out their favorite treat at the dollar store to enjoy while watching the DVD. Katie chose a Pez dispenser, the other 3 picked out Warheads, and Madi -- she asked for a Disney book. Love it!