Monday, November 29, 2010

Please Stand By

Well, another Thanksgiving is in the books.  It was an enjoyable weekend -- relaxing and family-focused. We finally took a week off from having an open house.  We seriously needed a break after hosting them for 10 weeks in a row. The only downside of the past few days was U-M's abysmal loss to Ohio State. It was a total annihilation!  On the upside, Matt and I  and various kids watched the entire the "Burn Notice" marathon on Thursday. DVRs are a glorious invention!
Now that the new week is in full swing, we are awaiting a phone call or two.  Or three. Matt has had a few job leads in the past couple of weeks and we hope to hear back from at least one - if not all - of them. They are all out-of-state which will make for an interesting situation if this house doesn't sell soon. I don't want to get ahead of whatever God has for us, but these are the most promising leads we've had in quite a while.  It's hard NOT to be optimistic. The idea of a job coming to fruition is something to be excited about. Inotherwords, I check Matt's email obsessively and I jump everytime his phone rings.
Christmas is 27 days from now and we are perhaps the only house in the neighborhood without decorations or lights. Although I miss getting the house dressed for the season, I try to keep my attitude low-key since the kids feed off of whatever I say.  So, we enjoy everyone else's lights and anticipate what we'll be doing and where we'll be living next Christmas. 
Anyway -- that's your up-to-the-minute report on life in our household. (By the way, do any of you fellow bloggers know why my current posts don't show up on my followers' pages?   My blog  is incorrectly listed as being last updated 6 weeks ago.)
I hope you all have a wonderful week, dear readers!

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