Sunday, October 24, 2010

Carry On

This is one of those posts where I don't even know where to begin. We are having an open house later today, which makes the 12th since putting our house on the market in January. Throw in 46 private showings in that time and you can perhaps understand the discouragement I'm feeling.
We showed the house to a couple two weeks ago who seemed to really like it. The wife's mother is moving in with them and our extra-large second bedroom provides the ideal arrangement for their situation. Matt spoke with the husband this week who indicated that they want to make an offer. He said he'd speak with his wife and get back to us. That was Thursday. Today is Sunday. We're still waiting for that phone call.
Furthermore, Matt has applied for several jobs that seem to be a perfect fit for him. He's got the experience the employers are looking for, and since most of them are in OKC he wouldn't have to relocate. But still, the phone remains silent. He has not even been called for an interview.
His unemployment insurance runs out next month. We've exhausted his 401k to pay the mortgage each month and now we risk defaulting our loan. I just want to shout, "What the heck, Lord? We've done everything we can do. We've been faithful to pay all of our bills on time; Matt's applied for every job he's come across and we've made our home ready and available for every person who wants to tour it. Still, no movement on any of it. Nothing. WHAT THE HECK????"
Seriously though, Matt -- always the sensible and clear-thinker of the two of us -- reminded me a while back of the story of Namaan. He had leprosy and God (through the prophet Elisha) told Namaan to wash in the Jordan River 7 times and then he would be healed. Namaan resisted but finally obeyed. He was healed upon dipping in that filthy river the seventh time, not the first time. He had to be obedient and faithful to what God told him to do. So, perhaps God will bring a buyer after the 12th open house. Or perhaps after the 47th showing. Maybe the employer of the 500th position Matt applies for will be the one to say, "this is the right man for the job".
We've done all we've been told to do. I know God is faithful and He'll bring to pass those promises He's given us. The waiting is difficult, especially with 8 beautiful kids who are on this journey with us. But we'll continue on. We'll keep doing whatever is in front of us, and we'll make every effort to sell our house and find work.
Well, it's time to make breakfast for the hungry masses and get the house ready for the swarms of people who may come through it today. You never know -- today could be the day the buyer comes through. If not, we'll do it all again next week. Afterall, what else can we do?

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