Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Ahh, Life...

My sincerest apologies to my faithful blog followers (all 3 of you). It's been a while since I've posted. Life has been busy with end-of-the-school-year projects and all sorts of other time-consuming activities. Matt came home last night after an 18-day absence, and I know things will run much more smoothly with his help. Did I mention that the realtor called at 9 tonight and asked to show the house at 9 tomorrow morning? Tomorrow is a school day so I will be up until the wee hours getting the house ready, followed by waking up my houseful to get them off to school. Good times.
I'm not complaining; I'm truly thankful for every showing. One of these days, maybe one will lead to an offer, which could lead to a sale. So, off to dust the window sills I go.
Goodnight, all!

1 comment:

  1. I check your blog nearly every day. I do miss it when you don't post something new! Wow, you sure are busy! So glad your hubby is home!!
