Friday, March 18, 2011

Spring Has Sprung

Spring Break is this week, and given our circumstances we've made the most of it. Being a one-vehicle family with Matt working 20 miles away and gas prices on the verge of ridiculous, the kids and I are homebound; but it's been a good week and I've enjoyed having all my ducklings running around.

The weather has been lovely, so there's been a lot of this:

and this:

 plus some of this (does a mom's heart good):

 There will always be plenty of this:

 There was even some of this!:
Tomorrow is Matt's Saturday off, so I'm looking forward to having him home for the next two days before we all get back to the grind. There is a sense of anticipation around here, knowing that we will be moving soon (hopefully?).  Call it Spring cleaning if you want, but I've been preparing for the changes by cleaning out closets and cupboards and packing what I can.  I've been saving boxes for a year and I'm glad there's finally some inspiration to fill them. As well, I've been preparing my heart and mind for our move. I look forward to leaving some of my old character behind and starting anew with a new hope, motivation and love for my calling as a wife and mother. Our long and difficult season of winter is (almost) over...Spring has come!

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