Monday, March 28, 2011

Higher Ways

 A few days ago a friend posted a quote so very apropo,  I needed to sit  and meditate on it. I don't know if it's her original quote or if she heard it elsewhere, but nonetheless it nourished my soul:
                        "There are places where God exercises His sovereign right to retain mystery.
                           In times where there is no answer, I need to step back and let God be God."

Tonight as I was thinking on those words again, I noticed the verse-of-the-day on this blog:
                        "In repentance and rest You will be saved, in quietness and trust is your strength."          Isaiah 30:15

I drew the correlation between quietness and trust in that verse and  His sovereign right to retain mystery in the former.  I am guilty of trying to hurry God; to urge Him to act quickly on our behalf or that of others.  However, in that I am missing the mark. It is not my place to question His time or His will; but it is my obligation to trust Him that He will do what He will do when He will do it. After all, He is far greater than I can even fathom!

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