Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Week That Was

Ahhhh... it's Sunday and I'm ready for a new week. Here's an abridged version of past seven days: failed openhouse; quit facebook; Matt develops a hideous case of poison ivy; Abby and Seth likewise develop not-as-hideous cases of poison ivy; Matt and I meet for 2 hours with our realtor to discuss why our house isn't selling. Matt has a job interview, the next morning he's offered said job here in OKC, then receives phone call from yet another job, wanting to meet with him in NC; Matt meets again with local company that offered him a job and decides he wants to pursue it; Matt calls the company in NC and tells them he's removing his name from the list of candidates; Matt then receives a call from a company in IN wanting to meet with him this next weekend, but he is at this time still undecided about whether or not he'll go. I make a ridiculous number of trips to the pharmacy for poison ivy relief for my husband and kids; I come down with a stinkin' cold -- in July! -- probably from my numerous trips to the pharmacy because that's where sick people spread their germs when they buy medicine; I discover that both of the neighbors in the two houses across the street each had their first baby in the past few weeks and I feel slightly guilty for not knowing either of them was pregnant; we receive an unexpected financial gift from people in another state whom I don't really know but to whom I am very grateful; and lastly, I re-arranged our bedroom furniture.
Whew! That was fun. This new week promises to be full of challenges, decisions, anxiety about things over which I have no control, what-ifs and lots of prayer; as well as the birthday of a certain soon-to-be-five-year -old. I'm ready. Bring it on.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats to Matt on the job leads/offers! What an exciting week you've had. Ugg, poison ivy on top of it all! I'm keeping you and your family in my prayers!
