Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Name Game

Okay my peeps, the time has come for me to change the name of my blog. "Did I Just Say That" may accurately describe my daily thought process but doesn't really reflect the direction of my blog.
I want the name to sum up what drives my life: family, growing in grace, and maturing as a wife, mom, and follower of Christ. So, my dear readers -- any suggestions for a new name? (If you suggest "Eight is Enough" I will promptly drop you from my reading list. Ha ha ha.)
Ok, It's now Friday morning and I've had time to sleep on it. What do you think of the name "Sixteen Feet of Grace"? The 16 feet represents my children and grace sums up all that the Lord has done and is doing in my life...
Feedback, people! I need feedback!


  1. I like "Twenty Feet of Grace." It's very fitting!! When you posted asking for suggestions...I was so clueless. I'm glad you came up with one!!

  2. Thanks, Cynthia! I got up ridiculously early this morning (4 am) and it was right there in my brain first thing -- even before I had my coffee! lol

  3. Perfect! Ha! I often joke with Jon about clipping his fingernails and toenails. I tell him that he better be able to keep up with his because I have to clip 120. Well, I guess Hannah and Ryan do their own, but it's still a funny thought.
