Saturday, May 22, 2010

One Fine Day

The kids' last day of school was yesterday. (It was originally supposed to be the day before, but too many snow days -- or rather, *ice* days, necessitated tacking on an extra school day at the end.) Anyway, we had a hectic morning to tackle and it went beautifully. Matt kept the 3 youngest home while I whisked the schoolers off to VCA at 8 am. I then scrambled like a madwoman to finish my errands and get back to the school by 9:15 with a half-dozen graduation balloons, table cloths, and decorations to set up the refreshment tables for the kindergarten graduation reception. Whew! Got it finished; it was all pretty snazzy-looking, too!
Matt showed up with Katie, Luke and Nathan, all of them fed and dressed and looking adorable. (Wow -- he did a good job!) We attended Madalyn's graduation ceremony and -- though I still think all that pomp and circumstance for 6 year-olds is a bit silly -- we enjoyed watching the processional of 23 delighted kindergarteners in their miniature caps and gowns. Sadly, though I charged it up in the morning, my camera gasped out one last tiny flash of battery life and then died. No pictures of Madi in her graduation attire. : (
Okay- off to the reception followed by the all-school assembly to close the books on another great year at VCA.
That was finished at 11:45; now for the all-school picnic! If you know Matt, you understand that crowded picnics are not something he enjoys even a little bit. This was the 4th-annual end-of-year event and in the past, he didn't even consider attending. (Frankly, this time last year it
would have been difficult to convince him to leave the office even to attend Madi's graduation!) But wow!-- let me brag on my husband here. Not only did he stay for the picnic, he fed our hungry gang lunch while I did a shift manning the sno-cone machine. Later, we chatted with teachers and friends while the kids took off in all directions to partake in the various activities that awaited them.
We finally gathered up all of our children and headed back home around 2 o'clock. Laundry, naps and play time filled the rest of the afternoon; then in the evening Matt picked up take-and-bake pizzas and a few movies and we closed out the day with some good, old-fashioned family time.

Although we don't know yet what school options we have for the Fall, or even in what city or state we'll be living; we will always have wonderful memories of our last day at Veritas Classical Academy. It's been a fascinating, challenging and fun 4 years, and we're grateful for all of our experiences there. Our children have matured and overcome obstacles and challenged themselves. They've reached goals and learned more than I could fathom trying to teach them myself. God bless the VCA!

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