Saturday, April 3, 2010

Say Cheese! (...or not)

I came upon the awful realization recently that I do not have a single photo of my eight children all together. It doesn't seem possible, but sadly, it is. However, with Zac being home for Spring Break this week I figured I could snag at least one absolutely perfect shot. I lay in wait, camera in hand, ready to pounce on the first opportunity to get them all in one location and smiling simultaneously.
I finally found my chance last night, after celebrating Madalyn's birthday at Johnny Carino's. (we celebrated early since Matt and Zac won't be here for her actual birthday.) The kids were dressed fairly decent with no sideways baseball caps or mismatched socks, so I wrangled them all to the recliner and squished them in as much as possible.

Sigh....Now maybe you understand why we pay big bucks to let the professionals do this.


  1. Wow! Abby looks like you.

    So, is Seth laughing, coughing, or scraping something from his teeth?

  2. Hee hee...*sigh* I feel your pain. I think the pictures came out great, though. : )
