Sunday, July 17, 2011

How to Lose 6 Pounds Without Really Trying

I'm a little behind in posting. I apologize.  Between packing our house, looking for a home in Abilene, keeping 8 children occupied during a weeks-long heatwave and managing the household while Matt's gone, I've been a little preoccupied. Oh, and I'm also trying to keep food down and avoid strong smells.
Ahhh....gotta love nausea and morning sickness.
Surprise!!!!  At least that's what I said when I realized why I've been so tired lately.  Lord, really? NOW? Do You understand what bad timing this is?????  Do You realize, God, that I will turn 42 years old just 4 days before my due date?  IS THIS SOME KIND OF JOKE???? (Those are a few thoughts and questions I've had running through my mind lately.)
And yet, I know in my heart that He does not make mistakes.  His Will is perfect.  He is the author of life and it is not my place to question His reasons. So, in the meantime we will do our best to accommodate our new little one, enjoy the process of name selection, and bicker over whether the tie breaker will be a boy or girl. And I'll try to keep from fainting at the smell of liquid hand soap. Ugh.

(P.S: As I was writing this, my 10 year-old woke up and vomited in the hallway. It's going to be a fun day!)

1 comment:

  1. WOO HOO!!! I am thrilled for you----and I totally understand your 'questions', too! I question, too, but yet we choose to TRUST! ;) It ain't a sin to question. Love you girl!
