Thursday, June 3, 2010

Well, THAT Was Awkward....

I'm not sure where to start with this little story. Our realtor, Robin, has been out of the country on a missions trip for two weeks and had one of her colleagues filling in for her. Christy texted me the other night and asked (this is a direct quote) "Can someone show your house tomorrow 11:30-12?" Of course I responded with a firm "you betcha!".
We spent the morning getting the house ready and left at 11:15, grabbed some drive-thru for lunch and took the kids to the park. Matt and Seth were in the truck and took off for Wal-Mart while the other kids and I headed home at noon. We pulled into the garage around 12:05, but something just didn't feel right. I ran into the house to see if the realtor had been there and found all of the lights still on. That is not unusual, however. Some realtors turn them off and some don't. Still, I felt it was a little too early to arrive home, so I backed out and we drove through some neighborhoods for a few minutes.
We came home again at 12:25 and I figured everything was good to go. I unloaded kids and happy meals from the Suburban, threw some towels in the washer and kicked back with some lunch from the refrigerator. (A grilled chicken breast from home is so much easier to burn off than McDonald's food!)
Then, it happened. People walked in the front door and said, "Hello! Didn't you get a phone call?" Surprised, I tried to camoflauge my mouthful of chicken while I responded, "Oh! I thought you had been here already! I was told the showing was from 11:30-12. Let me get the kids and we'll get out of your way." The realtor said, "No, it was supposed to be 11:30-12:30. We're a little late. Don't leave - - if they like the house, we'll come back anyway. Do you mind if we just take a quick look-through?"
So, with my half-eaten chicken breast on the counter, kids munching on fries and running outside and Nathan bouncing loudly in his saucer, the realtor and clients toured our house. There were several things I would have liked to point out; like the built-in ironing board, the pull-out kitchen cupboards, and the instant hotwater; but I didn't know if that was protocol. I kept my mouth shut except to answer questions about how many kids we have and how we fit them all in this house, their ages, etc. The wife seemed to like the house and marveled about the tile, the laundry room and the backyard. The husband said nothing. I couldn't interpret his nonchalant expression.
I am hoping we get another text asking to show them the house again. Robin is back in town and seems to be able to tell time better than her colleague. We'll see what happens.

1 comment:

  1. Yea, awkward! Wow, I don't know how you do it. I had to show our house back in Cedar City for a few weeks and I was constantly stressed out! It is so hard to keep a house ready to show with kids. sorry for the mix up. Hopefully it will all work out!! (Of course, it will)!
