Wednesday, May 12, 2010

A Posting with No Title

There are times (like now) when I have so much to say and just don't know how. I write new posts practically every-other day but I delete them because they just don't express what I'm really trying to say. I find that so frustrating...I started this blog as a way to write out the things that jumble together in my mind and my heart, whether it be good, bad or ugly. However, the grammar freak in me won't post it if it's too wordy or clogged with confusion. I spend so much time editing my own writing that I never actually publish it.
I know. It's sick.
So again I say, I have so much I want to share here tonight but my mind is a cluttered mess. I will tell you this, I am so glad to be hearing the sound of my beloved snoring softly next to me. He's home. He was only gone for 6 days this time, but it's so nice to have him HOME. If this season of difficulty we've been in has taught me anything, it's taught me to appreciate him more and realize that I've been blessed with a good man. A very good man indeed.
This is about the spot where I would usually scrap the post because I don't know how to end it. So, I'll end it here and just click "publish". No re-wording, no obsessing over sentence structure. Just click and done.
Goodnight, everyone.


  1. I wish you would just post what you write, instead of deleting. I feel like I always say too much, but don't delete! I love your blog...write more!!

  2. Perfect seldom happens in my house. Your mess and your Martha Stuart are both welcome.
